Invisalign are clear aligners that shift teeth into alignment with every progressive tray. The clear aligners allow the patient to straighten their teeth through a more discreet and cosmetic approach.
At the first Invisalign appointment, impressions and pictures are taken, which are then sent to the Invisalign lab. A series of trays are sent back from the lab and the patient can then begin the road to straighter teeth.
Typically, each tray is worn for 1-2 weeks and each tray slowly straightens the teeth into alignment. The longer the trays are worn throughout a 24-hour period determines how effective the trays will work. It is advised for patients to only remove the trays to brush, floss, eat, and drink. This translates to the patient wearing the trays for about 21-22 hours a day.
A major advantage to Invisalign in Los Angeles is the ability for patients to remove the trays if there is an important event that arises. This feature gives a patient the flexibility and freedom that is not present with conventional metal braces.
Come in for a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign in Los Angeles.
Unlike braces made of metal, the Invisalign offered at Top Dentist in LA has a smooth and plastic aligning feature that offers considerable comfort and less pain to your teeth. With such dental work, you won’t have to spend time and money visiting your dentist every other day. The aligners are quite comfortable to use, and once you get the hang of it, they usually have no pain.
Since the Invisalign aligners can be easily removed, you can frequently ensure that your oral health is maintained by flossing and brushing your teeth without interfering with the teeth straightening process.
Apart from the fact that you can take it off to eat, as an added advantage, you do not have to let your favorite snacks go. Another plus is that the cleaning of your teeth will be made much easier because of their proper alignment on the jaws.
Pain that comes as a result of grinding and clenching of teeth at during sports events or at night can be easily managed with the use of an Invisalign aligner. If you don’t want to opt for a nightguard, wearing an Invisalign aligner has a protective layer that will help you stop grinding. The aligner helps to restore the crunching power of the grinding muscles to give you a better bite.
With misaligned teeth, you are likely to have a piece of vegetable or meat stuck between your teeth after almost every meal. Such a condition will facilitate the growth of bacteria in your mouth, causing teeth and gum related problems. You do not want that. With an Invisalign aligner, you won’t have to worry about proper oral health since it gets your teeth lined up appropriately.
In most cases, Invisalign dental work is often covered by various dental insurance policies, so you do not have to worry about a massive bill to settle. To make payments more affordable and convenient for their patients, many dentists allow their patients to make monthly payments, making this a significant load off your shoulder.
Wearing Invisalign will help protect your teeth from damage when participating in activities such as mountain climbing and boxing among others.
Invisalign does not require you to visit your dentist frequently to get them checked. After your first appointment for Invisalign in Los Angeles, the next visit will be after six weeks to get another set of Invisalign aligners. Also, the treatment procedure takes only 10 to 24 weeks depending on the teeth that need to be rotated or moved.
The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment.
Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your appointment.
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